Wednesday 21 August 2019

How to celebrate Senior Citizen Day

Spend time at a nursing/retirement home

One of the kindest and most rewarding things one can do is make a visit to a nursing home. Sit and chat with residents. Play games and participate in activities. You can really make a difference in someone’s day, week, or even his or her life, and trust us, you will find the experience fun and rewarding too. Have a cup of tea with us at Ons Huis.

Reach out to a senior family member

If you have grandparents or other elderly still alive in your family, celebrate Senior Citizen Day by stopping by and telling the how much you appreciate them. Sitting down and listening to the stories they have to tell can give you a unique perspective on the world and yourself.

Have fun!

Are you a senior citizen yourself? Well today is all about you! Live it up! Treat yourself. Spend time with your favorite people, go shopping - do whatever it is you want to do! Maybe it could be the day you finally try that one thing you’ve been thinking about or maybe it’s a day for relaxing at home. Whatever makes you happy, go for it because it’s a day dedicated to you! You’ve earned it!!

After a lifetime of working, raising families, and contributing to the success of this nation in countless other ways, senior citizens deserve to retire with dignity. (Charlie Gonzalez)

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