Sunday 22 August 2021

Let me get my daddy for you!

It was 5 years ago my father went home to Heaven. And so today’s post is celebrating the gift he was to me and so many others!

When I was a little girl I loved to ask other children what their father did for a living. It was an intentional set-up. After they told me what their father did, they always asked me what my dad did. It gave me the opportunity to brag about my daddy and say. “My daddy’s a pastor!”

I suppose I felt that way because I saw first hand the difference he made in lives. Even as young as 4. The first church office was in our tiny home. There were times when Mom would be hanging diapers on the line in the backyard and the doorbell would ring, “Sheila will you get that?”

I specifically recall the one time when an unfamiliar woman stood at our door. She was crying, “Is there a pastor here? I heard a pastor lives here.”

“Let me get my Daddy! He can help you!”

I have always been proud to be a pastor’s daughter. And not just any pastor – Dr. Schuller’s daughter. And just as I have my whole life, I ask you today, “Are you hurting? Afraid?

Discouraged? Is your faith shaken? Do you need an infusion of hope?

If so, “Let me get my Daddy. He can help you!”

Dad lives. He’s not gone. His words and lessons live on through all of us.

Jesus taught us that we get to call God, the Father, “Abba.” “Daddy.”

That was Dad’s secret to helping people who were hurting. My daddy would get his Daddy! He knew that, God, the Father, our Abba, was the only one who could truly help them!

So, “Thank You, dear Abba, Who art in heaven, thank you for my daddy! Thank you for using him to point us to You! I am eternally grateful! Amen.”

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