Sunday, 7 June 2020

Meditate on this dear brothers and sisters ...

A pro golfer once told me this story: During the final of a major competition, a golfer was lining up on the eighteenth hole for a putt that would win the championship.

As he was about to nudge the ball toward the hole, a train passed by, giving a long, loud whistle. The golfer made his shot, the ball went into the hole, and he won the competition! The organisers came running over, apologising profusely for the distraction of the train, but the golfer looked up, confused, and said, “What noise?” He was so focused on the game he had not even noticed. If only we could maintain that sort of clear and intense focus in our lives!

In the Bible, the Lord speaks about being distracted by things such as possessions, friends, and difficult circumstances. These things will come, but our focus should be on God - we should keep our “eye on the ball,” so to speak. Let us do everything in our power to please the Lord, leaving the rest to His safekeeping.

Lord, when I run up against the countless distractions of each day, please allow me to maintain my focus on You and on what You have given me to do. Amen

[Pastor Angus]

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